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ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ : 12-05-10 15:28
¸®´ª½º¿¡¼­ ¼Ò½ºÄÄÆÄÀÏÀ» ÀÌ¿ëÇÑ Trac, Subversion ¼³Ä¡ ¿Ïº® °¡À̵å
 ±Û¾´ÀÌ : ½ÑÀ¥È£½ºÆÃ
Á¶È¸ : 151,296  
1. expat ¶óÀ̺귯¸®¼³Ä¡
shell>wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/expat/files/expat/2.0.1/expat-2.0.1.tar.gz/download
shell>tar xvfz expat-2.0.1.tar.gz
shell>cd expat-2.0.1
shell>./configure --prefix=/usr/local/expat && make && make install

2. python¼³Ä¡
shell>wget http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.6.4/Python-2.6.4.tar.bz2
shell>tar xvfj Python-2.6.4.tar.bz2
shell>cd Python-2.6.4
shell>./configure && make && make install
shell>cd /usr/bin
shell>rm python
shell>ln -s /usr/local/bin/python2.6 python

3. apache¼³Ä¡
shell>wget http://mirror.khlug.org/apache/httpd/httpd-2.2.14.tar.bz2
shell>tar xvfj httpd-2.2.14.tar.bz2
shell>cd httpd-2.2.14
shell>./configure --enable-dav --enable-so --enable-maintainer-mode --prefix=/home/www --with-expat=/usr/local/expat && make && make install

4. mod_python¼³Ä¡
shell>wget http://apache.tt.co.kr/httpd/modpython/mod_python-3.3.1.tgz
shell>tar xvfz mod_python-3.3.1.tgz
shell>cd mod_python-3.3.1
shell>./configure --with-apxs=/home/www/bin/apxs --with-python=/usr/local/bin/python2.6 && make && make install
À§¿Í °°ÀÌ ÇßÀ» ¶§ ´ÙÀ½°ú °°ÀÌ src/connobject.c 142¶óÀο¡¼­ ¿¡·¯°¡ ³ª´Â°ÍÀ» È®ÀÎÇÒ ¼ö ÀÖ´Ù.
connobject.c: In function `_conn_read':
connobject.c:142: error: request for member `next' in something not a structure or union
apxs:Error: Command failed with rc=65536
make[1]: *** [mod_python.so] ¿À·ù 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/install/mod_python-3.3.1/src'
make: *** [do_dso] ¿À·ù 2
À̶§´Â Á÷Á¢ src/connobject.c ¸¦ vi¿¡µðÅÍ·Î ¿­¾î¼­ µÚ¿¡ ÀÖ´Â b¸¦ bb·Î ¹Ù²Ù¸é µÈ´Ù.
shell>vi ./src/connobject.c
142 ¶óÀÎÀÇ !(b == APR_BRIGADE_SENTINEL(b) || ¿¡¼­ µÚ¿¡ b¸¦ ´ÙÀ½°ú °°ÀÌ bb·Î °íÄ£ÈÄ ÀúÀåÇÑ´Ù.
shell>./configure --with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs --with-python=/usr/local/bin/python2.6 && make && make install

5. setupTools¼³Ä¡
shell>wget http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/s/setuptools/setuptools-0.6c11.tar.gz#md5=7df2a529a074f613b509fb44feefe74e
shell>tar xvfz setuptools-0.6c11.tar.gz
shell>cd setuptools-0.6c11
shell>python ./setup.py install

6. sqlite ¼³Ä¡
shell>wget http://www.sqlite.org/sqlite-amalgamation-3.6.20.tar.gz
shell>tar xvfz sqlite-amalgamation-3.6.20.tar.gz
shell>cd sqlite-3.6.20/
shell>./configure --prefix=/usr/local/sqlite3 && make && make install

7. subversion¼³Ä¡
shell>tar xvfj subversion-1.6.18.tar.gz
shell>cd subversion-1.6.18
shell>mkdir sqlite-amalgamation
shell>cp /usr/local/src/sqlite-3.6.20/sqlite3.c sqlite-amalgamation/
shell>./configure --with-apxs=/home/www/bin/apxs --with-apr=/home/www/bin/apr-1-config --with-apr-util=/usr/local/src/httpd-2.2.21/srclib/apr-util && make && make install

shell>make swig-py
shell>make install-swig-py
shell>echo /usr/local/lib/svn-python > /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/subversion.pth

8. subversion ·¹ÆÄÁöÅ丮 »ý¼º
shell>cd /home
shell>mkdir trac
shell>cd trac
shell>mkdir repos
shell>cd repos
shell>svnadmin create Project1

9. svnÁ¢¼Ó °èÁ¤ »ý¼º
shell>cd /home/trac/repos
shell>/usr/local/apache/bin/htpasswd -c passwd username1

10. ¾ÆÆÄÄ¡ svn¼³Á¤
shell>vi /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf

¸¶Áö¸· ºÎºÐ¿¡ ´ÙÀ½ ³»¿ë Ãß°¡
<Location /svn/Project1>
DAV svn
SVNPath /home/trac/repos/Project1
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Project1's Repository"
AuthUserFile /home/trac/repos/passwd
Require valid-user
< /Location>

11. pysqlite¼³Ä¡
shell>wget http://pysqlite.googlecode.com/files/pysqlite-2.5.5.tar.gz
shell>tar xvfz pysqlite-2.5.5.tar.gz
shell>cd pysqlite-2.5.5
shell>python ./setup.py install

12. Genshi¼³Ä¡
shell>easy_install Genshi

13. Trac¼³Ä¡
shell>easy_install Trac

14. Trac·¹ÆÄÁöÅ丮 »ý¼º
shell>cd /home/trac/
shell>mkdir projects
shell>cd projects
shell>trac-admin ./Project1 initenv

Project Name : ÇÁ·ÎÁ§Æ® ¸í ÀÔ·Â
Database connection string : sqlite¼±ÅÃ(±×³É¿£ÅÍÀÔ·Â)
Repository type : svn(±×³É¿£ÅÍÀÔ·Â)
Path to repository : ¾Æ±î »ý¼ºÇÑ ·¹ÆÄÁöÅ丮ÁÖ¼ÒÀÔ·Â(/home/trac/repos/Project1)

¸¶Áö¸·¿¡ Congratulations! À̶ó°í ¶ß¸é Á¤¼ºÀûÀ¸·Î ·¹ÆÄÁöÅ丮°¡ »ý¼ºµÈ °ÍÀÓ

15. ¾ÆÆÄÄ¡ Trac¼³Á¤
shell>vi /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf

¾Æ·¡ Ç׸ñ Ãß°¡
LoadModule python_module modules/mod_python.so
< Location /trac>
SetHandler mod_python
PythonInterpreter main_interpreter
PythonHandler trac.web.modpython_frontend
PythonOption TracEnvParentDir /home/trac/projects
PythonOption TracUriRoot /trac
PythonOption PYTHON_EGG_CACHE /tmp
< /Location>
< LocationMatch "/trac/[^/]+/login">
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Type your ID, Password"
AuthUserFile /home/trac/repos/passwd
Require valid-user
< /LocationMatch>

16. tracµð·ºÅ丮 ±ÇÇÑ ¼³Á¤
±âº»ÀûÀ¸·Î ¾ÆÆÄÄ¡ À¥¼­¹ö°¡ daemon.daemonÀ¸·Î ¶ß±â ¶§¹®¿¡ ´ÙÀ½°ú °°ÀÌ ¹Ù²ãÁØ´Ù.
shell>cd /home
shell>chown -R daemon.daemon trac

17. ¾ÆÆÄÄ¡ µ¥¸ó ½ÇÇà
shell>/usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl start

18. python¿øº»ÆÄÀÏ º¹¿ø
shell>cd /usr/bin
shell>mv python python2.6
shell>ln -s ./python2.3 python

19. ºê¶ó¿ìÁ® È®ÀÎ

À§ÀÇ ÁÖ¼Ò¿¡¼­ ÆäÀÌÁö°¡ Á¤»óÀûÀ¸·Î ¶á´Ù¸é ¼³Ä¡°¡ ¿Ï·áµÈ °ÍÀÓ


½ÑÀ¥È£½ºÆà 12-05-11 16:40
Ãß°¡·Î ¼³Ä¡ ÇÊ¿ä.

Total 78
¹øÈ£ Á¦   ¸ñ ±Û¾´ÀÌ ³¯Â¥ Á¶È¸
63 memcached Cacti Template ½ÑÀ¥È£½ºÆà 05-17 138025
62 ORA-00020: maximum number of processes (%s) exceeded ½ÑÀ¥È£½ºÆà 05-14 24453
61 ¸®´ª½º¿¡¼­ ¼Ò½ºÄÄÆÄÀÏÀ» ÀÌ¿ëÇÑ Trac, Subversion ¼³Ä¡ ¿Ïº® °¡¡¦ (1) ½ÑÀ¥È£½ºÆà 05-10 151297
60 Trac ¼³Ä¡ ¹× ¼³Á¤ ¸Þ´º¾ó ½ÑÀ¥È£½ºÆà 05-07 208170
59 ¸®´ª½º ƯÁ¤ ³¯Â¥ ÀÌÈÄ º¯°æ ÆÄÀÏ Ã£±â ½ÑÀ¥È£½ºÆà 03-31 20578
58 CentOS 5.5 VNC ¼³Á¤ ¹× »ç¿ë¹æ¹ý (1) ½ÑÀ¥È£½ºÆà 03-28 176135
57 29Trac & Subversion ¹é¾÷ ¹× º¹±¸ ½ÑÀ¥È£½ºÆà 02-24 19661
56 HP ProLiant ¼­¹ö¿¡ RAID 1À¸·Î Ubuntu 10.4 LTS , HP Sotware ¡¦ ½ÑÀ¥È£½ºÆà 02-22 100628
55 HP¼­¹ö Çϵåµð½ºÅ©ÀÇ »óź¸±â ½ÑÀ¥È£½ºÆà 02-20 117606
54 CentOS - Apache + SVN + Trac ¿¬µ¿ ½ÑÀ¥È£½ºÆà 02-16 232823
53 [¸®´ª½º/NGINX] CentOs 5.7 64bit ¿¡¼­ NGINX + PHP + MYSQL + m¡¦ ½ÑÀ¥È£½ºÆà 01-13 213317
52 php ÄÄÆÄÀϽà Cannot find libmysqlclient_r ¿À·ù ¹ß»ý.. ½ÑÀ¥È£½ºÆà 01-03 21708
51 MySQL ·Î±×ÆÄÀÏ Á¤¸®Çϱ⠽ÑÀ¥È£½ºÆà 12-26 22334
50 SQL Server 2005¿¡¼­ DBCC SHRINKFILE ¹®À» »ç¿ëÇÏ¿© Æ®·£Àè¼Ç ¡¦ ½ÑÀ¥È£½ºÆà 12-07 33900
49 Subversion/Trac ¹é¾÷ ¹× º¹±¸ ½ÑÀ¥È£½ºÆà 11-30 43448
 1  2  3  4  5  6